Test Section

All Widgets

Image | Text

Positioned Right - Video + Image

Image | Text

Video - no link

Story 3

Image | Text

Single image only

Form Widget Below

Context Widget Below

Inclusive Thriving Community
Inclusive Thriving Community
Connected Cultural Experiences
Connected Cultural Experiences
Protected Sustainable Ecosystems
Protected Sustainable Ecosystems
Smart Innovative Society
Smart Innovative Society
Active Healthy People
Active Healthy People

Various rich text (Content Block) styles
Rhetorice igitur, inquam, nos mavis quam dialectice disputare?

Hach three


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quid ait Aristoteles reliquique Platonis alumni? Tum Quintus: Est plane, Piso, ut dicis, inquit. Quippe: habes enim a rhetoribus; Duo Reges: constructio interrete.

  1. Habent enim et bene longam et satis litigiosam disputationem.
  2. Eorum enim est haec querela, qui sibi cari sunt seseque diligunt.
  3. Sed haec nihil sane ad rem;
  4. Apud imperitos tum illa dicta sunt, aliquid etiam coronae datum;
  5. Aliter homines, aliter philosophos loqui putas oportere?
  • Sed vobis voluptatum perceptarum recordatio vitam beatam facit, et quidem corpore perceptarum.
  • Quod ea non occurrentia fingunt, vincunt Aristonem;
  • Voluptatem cum summum bonum diceret, primum in eo ipso parum vidit, deinde hoc quoque alienum;
  • Hoc sic expositum dissimile est superiori.
Ex quo intellegitur idem illud, solum bonum esse, quod
honestum sit, idque esse beate vivere: honeste, id est cum
virtute, vivere.

Aliena dixit in physicis nec ea ipsa, quae tibi probarentur;
Sullae consulatum?
Est autem etiam actio quaedam corporis, quae motus et status naturae congruentis tenet;
Quid de Pythagora?
Mihi, inquam, qui te id ipsum rogavi?
Quid adiuvas?
Quis est enim, in quo sit cupiditas, quin recte cupidus dici possit?
Optime, inquam.
Illa videamus, quae a te de amicitia dicta sunt.
Si vero id etiam explanare velles apertiusque diceres nihil eum fecisse nisi voluptatis causa, quo modo eum tandem laturum fuisse existimas?

Card List

This is the card list widget - no links for this card

tag line
Title of this card

Text - keep this around one sentence long for best effect. Has a link

  • A

  • Bee

  • Charlie

another tag line
The cards title
  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

3 cards is the best
Another title

Keep cards at 3 for the best appearance - has a file

  • Lorem ipsum

  • Tango Foxtrot

  • Items go here

Card Download Listing

This is the card download listing widget

  • Cards tag line
    Cards title

    Cards text - keep it to a sentence or two for best appearance

  • Another tag line
    Second title

    More text goes here

  • Card Download Listing
    Card Download Listing C

    Third card

1 2 3
Call to Action

With a file download (has icon) - no style

File Sample 100Kb
Call to Action - orange no text
Plan your Project
Call to Action

This one is green

Plan your Project
Call to Action

And finally the red style

With an external link

Stats grid

  • 123

  • 444

    another summary
  • $1.2 Million

    Summary field
Community Impact Hub

Text cards

Summary field for the text cards widget



lorem ipsum

foo bar baz

last item

3 Cards has the best appearance

Visualisation Widget - for iframes (PowerBI)

Visualisation accordion

Content in here

This one has text + the PowerBI visualisation frame

Learn about wellbeing

Understand how your community is going to help you to better target and plan your project.

Not sure where to start?

Find inspiration for your project and browse the initiatives and grants already making their mark on wellbeing in Western Australia.

Ready to plan your project?

Understand your vision, plan your impact and report on the outcomes of your project with three easy interactive tools in the Community Impact Planner.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Western Australian Community Impact Hub acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners of the land on which we are based, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation and extends that respect to all the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country. We recognise the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.