Building a healthier, happier WA

Active Healthy People is about promoting and facilitating good health — both physical and mental. Health is a complex topic and can be affected by our built and natural environments, the opportunities we have in life, and the support around us. 


There are opportunities for improving health equity and outcomes across WA for:

  • Children and young people
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • People living in rural and remote communities
  • People experiencing disadvantage through economic, physical, cultural, social or educational factors

Key Outcomes

  • More Western Australians live healthy lifestyles

  • More Western Australians are mentally healthy

Indicators of Active, Healthy People

To measure the health of communities, we need to look at many different indicators to make sure we get the full picture of people’s lives. Important indicators include self-assessed health status, health-adjusted life expectancy, level of psychological distress, and overall life satisfaction.

So, where does WA rank across public health indicators?

  • Self Assessed Health Score by Region

    Percentage of people reporting their health to be good, very good or excellent. The Self-assessed health status is a commonly used measure of overall health; and how people rate their health is strongly related to their experience of illness and disability. The percentage of people aged 15 and over reporting their health as ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ (and not 'fair' or 'poor') in Western Australia is 4% higher than the national figure.

  • Life Satisfaction by Region and Age

    Mean self-rated overall life satisfaction. The "Overall life satisfaction" is a summary measure of subjective wellbeing. It measures a person's perceived level of life satisfaction in general and does not consider specific illnesses or problems the person may have. Mean level of overall life satisfaction reported by people aged 15 and over on a scale from 0 (not at all satisfied) to 10 (completely satisfied), grouped by rating. Australia as a whole tends towards the higher end of life satisfaction.

How we’re helping to create a healthier WA

Lotterywest and Healthway are working to change behaviour and improve health in the community. By supporting a range of initiatives designed to build stronger and healthier communities, more Western Australians can enjoy healthier lifestyles and mentally healthier lives.

To help achieve our vision for a healthy Western Australia, Healthway is focusing on five strategic priorities:

  • Increasing healthy eating
  • Increasing physical activity
  • Improving mental health
  • Preventing harm from alcohol
  • Creating a smoke-free WA

These strategic priorities will ensure we achieve the best possible health outcomes for Western Australians.


Our investment in supporting Active, Healthy People last financial year

  • Coins


    in grants
  • Shake


    total number of grants funded
  • Brain


    Grants approved to support the outcome of more Western Australians being mentally healthy
  • Running


    Funded to support the outcome of more Western Australians living healthy lives
Browse our Grants library

Dive deeper into your community

Use the Community Insights Tool to access the latest publicly available data on wellbeing indicators in WA. This tool is ideal for framing your project to your unique community and state of wellbeing.


Acknowledgement of Country

The Western Australian Community Impact Hub acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners of the land on which we are based, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation and extends that respect to all the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country. We recognise the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.